Monday, 14 October 2013

Influencing Tip: Using 2 powerful words

There's two words which I love to use because when used at the right time, the other person is compelled to follow you wherever you want to take them ... just for a while at least!

When we hear the words, Imagine that/Imagine if ... for the briefest of moments, we drop our agendas,  lower our guard and give our full attention, even if the phrase that follows is absurd and even if we don't like the person who's speaking.

Example 1)

"Imagine that for the next two weeks, you had your own Michelin-starred chef to do all the cooking for you and your family including your breakfasts, lunch and supper as well as an assistant to do all the clearing up."

Whilst for most of us, this is a most unlikely scenario, our brains will still get to work imagining the convenience, the taste of the sumptuous food and the sheer decadence of such an idea.

Example 2)

"Imagine if your website produced so many leads for you that you no longer had to make cold calls."

For those of us who still labour with making cold calls, whether or not we trust our web designer to deliver something that good, we still can't help but be lured into imagining a life without cold calls as well as a new all singing and dancing website producing effortless leads.

Given the power of Imagine if/Imagine that, it's our job as business developers or as leaders to work out:

- How to deliver the phrase naturally and as part of a flowing conversation

- What we most need our customers to imagine in order for them to buy from us, or what our team members most need to imagine in order to follow our lead

- When to use the phrase so it delivers maximum impact

Thanks for reading

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