Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Leadership Howler 4 - No vision

John was promoted to a Managing Director role, following a successful spell as a salesman (this is a true story by the way!). In fact, it was partly due to his consistent sales performance over the years, that there was a team of 20 people for him to manage.

Keen to rise to the challenge, he was determined to ensure that his high standards would be replicated by his team members and as the months passed by, he worked harder and harder to make a success of his new role. He believed his energy and dedication would be infectious to his team members, but in making himself so busy, he lost track of his vision and become bogged down in the every-day matters of running a team of 20 people.

Unsurprisingly, by the time I started working with him, team performance had stagnated, morale was low and his team lacked direction. Like many leaders, John had made the common mistake of losing sight of the bigger-picture because he'd become so busy with the everyday stuff and his responsibilities were so numerous.

Good leaders take the time to regularly ask:
  • What are we trying to achieve?
  • How are we going to stand out from our competitors?
  • What are our long and short-term goals?
  • What do we need to change in order to be better?
  • How are we going to make a difference to the world?
  • What could we do, which is completely brilliant?
Good leaders will explore these questions in spite of how busy they are. 

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